First Look: Brotherhood of Blood Promo Art!

Though it’s not terribly new, it sure is pretty damn cool. To the right, you’ll see the first teaser art for Brotherhood of Blood, the Sid Haig/Ken Foree-starring vampire flick from the directing team of Michael Roesch and Peter Scheerer, who also wrote the flick.

As you can see, Ken’s a vampire in this one, and apparently, someone has an issue with his long and pointies. Scheerer explained the art for us: “This artwork with Ken Foree getting his vampire fangs pulled was part of a presentation for distributors at the Cannes Film Market.” “They really liked the artwork, and they loved the scene in the movie. This is one of the favorite scenes of everyone who has seen it yet,” Roesch added.

“We had a test screening with a rough cut of the movie a few weeks ago,” Scheerer continued. “This scene with Ken was one of their favorites, the audience cheered and applauded when the vampire hunters pulled the teeth.” Of course, getting cheers from an audience is always a good sign you’ve done something right. “We were really happy that the audience liked the actors’ performance and the movie so much,” said Roesch. “As directors, you never know how the movie works till you show it to an audience.”

Still no word on a solid release date for Brotherhood, though something tells me October isn’t all that unrealistic. Check out the film’s official site to sign up for updates!

Johnny Butane

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